Stuffy nose and difficulty breathing?

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Winter is a period in which we must pay special attention to preserving health and immunity.
Sneezing, snoring, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, fever - well-known symptoms of flu and colds for most people are a common companion in the winter months.
Acute respiratory infections are the most common infectious diseases of the modern age. The reasons for this lies in the fact that the respiratory system is directly connected to the environment in which there are many microorganisms, primarily viruses, which are the most common causes of these acute infections. The pathogens are very easily transmitted from person to person, either by droplets or by touch.
Respiratory infections include infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract - from the common cold to pneumonia. Infections of the upper respiratory tract are more common, which are usually much easier than infections in the lower respiratory tract and are mainly caused by viruses.
They usually start with a burning sensation in the throat, frequent mucus from the nose and sneezing. Then some of the other symptoms develop such as nasal congestion, feeling of pressure in the ear area, mild headache, mild fever, sneezing, watery eyes, occasional dry cough, fatigue.

Tips for nasal hygiene when sneezing and coughing

The nose is a protective and thermoregulatory organ for the lower respiratory tract, and its proper and regular hygiene helps maintain health and prevent the spread of infection. By coughing and sneezing, tiny droplets of saliva and mucus that contain many harmful organisms come out of the mouth and nose, and the presence of other people nearby can lead to infection.

Natural help in the fight against viruses

Effective first aid for colds and flu can be found in natural solutions. You can fight colds and nasal congestion very effectively with phytoaromatherapy, or the use of essential oils.
The trend of aromatherapy and phytoaromatherapy is becoming increasingly popular in Croatia, and as aromatherapy can be both scientific and professional, confirmed PRANARÔM, a leader in pharmaceutical aromatherapy. Due to their powerful natural properties, essential oils are increasingly used as a natural remedy in the fight against viruses. Different chemical composition allows for different effects, so some essential oils have stronger antiviral properties than others.

How to use essential oils against viruses?

Essential oils, known for their antiviral action, can have a positive effect on other health problems, and it is recommended to use combinations of certain oils for a stronger effect, whether it is dermal application (directly on the skin), application on mucous membranes (throat spray), nasal (in the form of a spray), oral (in the form of capsules) or the most common - inhalation administration (with the use of diffusers or steam inhalation).
Pranarom products combine pharmaceutical and aromatherapy philosophy, provide solutions to a wide range of health problems and are arguably the most popular therapy for many users.
The type of essential oil you will use for aromatherapy depends on what you want to achieve, as their effects vary. Some essential oils have antiviral and antibacterial properties which is why they are extremely useful in treating various infections.
Inhalations are the simplest way to use essential oils that many use for self-medication. Oils rich in oxides and alcohols are most commonly used, such as eucalyptus globulus and eucalyptus radiate, kajeput, niauli oil of the chemotype cineole, tea tree or ravintsara, which facilitate expectoration and have an antiviral effect.
For many years, there have been inhalers on our market with a hot water tank and an anatomical nose and mouth extension, which makes inhalation more comfortable and easier.
Inhalations primarily help with respiratory problems, colds, flu and sinusitis.
However, direct inhalations are avoided in people prone to bronchospasm, such as asthma and newborns. Extra caution is needed in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and in severe acute inflammation where it is sometimes better to avoid inhalation so as not to further irritate the mucous membranes. In these cases, we use certain essential oils dermally.

Inhalation of essential oils with water vapor

Inhalation of water vapor is a relaxing and very popular method of inhaling essential oils and is a method of inhalation in which, unlike diffusion into space, it achieves a higher concentration of essential oils that are inhaled directly. This method of inhalation helps to relieve cough, unclog the nose and make breathing easier.
How do we inhale water vapor? A small amount of hot water is poured into the vessel, then one to two drops of essential oil are added and inhaled for one minute. Add 1-2 drops again and inhale again for one minute. In order to achieve the optimal result, it is recommended to mix several essential oils according to their specifics: one oil due to its expectorant properties, the second oil for diluting mucus, and the third oil due to its anti-infective properties. Dominique Baudoux, founder of Pranarôm, who is also a pharmacist, recommends a combination of three essential oils for steam inhalation:

• 2 drops of ravintsare or eucalyptus globulus
• 2 drops of eucalyptus divesa
• 2 drops of tea tree or palmarose

However, in addition to essential oils for inhalation, Pranarom has developed a new product in its laboratory, Aromaforce capsules for inhalation - a finished product, ready to use, composed of the most effective antiviral essential oils, of organic origin. Their composition consists of essential oils of ravintsara, eucalyptus globulus, peppermint, palmarose, tea tree and eucalyptus dives.
Aromaforce inhalation capsules belong to the group of medical products and are recommended for adults and children older than 12 years. One capsule is used 3 times a day for five days of use.
With the development of this product, Pranarom enabled quick application and easy inhalation of water vapor during which, when we inhale a combination of different aromatic molecules, they travel to the back of our nose and stimulate the olfactory receptor neurons. Once activated, these highly sensitive cells transmit messages to the brain through the limbic system, which forms the control center for breathing, thus facilitating breathing and unclogging the nose.
This method can be useful in a number of health conditions, including respiratory infections, sinusitis, sore throat, colds and coughs.
